
"Fourth Option" eating utensil

Created by Morris Wray

Spread Love. Not germs

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Fourth Option price change
almost 2 years ago – Fri, Mar 17, 2023 at 10:31:07 AM

Hello Backers,

I know there have been a lot of updates and I want to apologize for so many. I want to address a question that was posed to me about the price change. I informed everyone a couple of days ago with the last update that the price would increase to what we initially planned on selling Fourth Option for online. I was asked why they should have to purchase more NOW or won't be able to receive the KS prices especially when they haven't received their first order because the finish they requested wasn't available until we receive our second shipment. I fully understand it's not fair but I want to be as honest and transparent as possible and let you know that we cannot offer our product at the Kickstarter prices for everyone who didn't purchase from Kickstarter. We have boot-strapped the start of the business and we're feeling the pressure of what it takes to bring a brand-new product to market. There are all sorts of fees and unexpected cost with starting a business with a manufacturing company that was unknown until after we started the process of creating Fourth Option.

We want to be fair and offer a little more time to purchase at the cheaper KS price so we won't raise the price until our shipment is confirmed in the possession of our freight forwarder and has loaded onto a plane headed to our location. We also want to be fair to all of our Kickstarter supporters who haven't receved any product yet from their initial pledge with KS. We are going to offer you a chance to receive your first order and if you would like to place another order at the Kickstarter rate, we would honor that request. 

We want to assure each and every backer that you will receive your FO utensils and you don't have to worry about being scammed out of your hard-earned money. We are God fearing people and we won't do anything that would not please Him. Again, thank you all for giving Fourth Option a try and we will have your orders shipped out to you as soon as possible.


Morris Wray

Fourth Option second shipment update/BackerKit survey's
about 2 years ago – Wed, Mar 15, 2023 at 05:26:23 PM

Hello Backers,

Our latest shipment from our manufacturer is supposed to be finished tomorrow and should be in our possession late next week if all goes well. I want to let you know that all the finishes are showing available online at so if you'd like to place an additional order for ANY finish and ANY quantity online at the Kickstarter prices, please do so NOW because the price will increase this Friday to $11.99 each. 

Orders placed for backers who have not received their Kickstarter order will be packed first and if a second order is placed before our shipment arrives, both orders will be packed and shipped together.  Our manufacturer has also made us some packaging for our product that we will be shipping our product in going forward so there will be a better presentation when you receive your orders. I haven't seen the finished packaging yet so I'm hoping it's something we could be proud of when it gets to your doors.

I'm in the process of having our product for sale on Amazon within the next few days so if you're an Amazon shopper, you will now be able to order Fourth Option there soon. I'm really excited to be on Amazon as I'm hopeful that people who wouldn't normally visit a website like Kickstarter, will now see our product online and would give us a try.

Lastly, we still have a little over 100 backers who have not completed their BackerKit survey's that was sent out in January. If you are still receiving emails regarding the completion of your survey, you have not finished the whole process and something is not complete. Please complete the BackerKit survey as soon as possible because we would like to ship out all Kickstarter orders so we can start fresh with orders from our website and Amazon. 

I can't thank each of you enough for giving our product a try. We hope to be in more homes and in restaurants in the future. It's only the beginning but we see big things for Fourth Option in the future.


Morris Wray

Creator of Fourth Option

Fourth Option second shipment update!
about 2 years ago – Tue, Mar 07, 2023 at 05:00:11 AM

Good day Backers,

I want to update you on the status of our second shipment from our manufacturer. I was originally informed our second shipment production should be completed by March 10th but has been delayed and won't be completed until March 16th. Once completed, we will have it shipped to us via air freight which should arrive to us a week later if shipping goes as planned like our first shipment. 

We received quite a few FO that did not meet our standards with our first shipment so we chose to scrap those and we've been informed by our manufacturer that the quality has improved with our new shipment.  I want to thank all of our backers who have not received their order yet for their patience while we await our second shipment. If you have not received your order yet, it will be shipped when we receive our shipment in a couple of weeks. It should be well worth the wait.

Lastly, I want to let everyone know that our online prices at have remained the same since our Kickstarter campaign but will be increasing once we receive our second shipment in the next couple of weeks. If you would like to purchase more at the discounted Kickstarter price, please place an order online before March 16th as our prices will increase on March 17th. We only have matte-polish and black showing in stock online but if you would like a different finish, just let us know and we'll have all finishes showing in stock so you can purchase more before the price increase. We have plenty of every finish coming so you can order as many as you like for all finishes.

I want to again thank all of our Backers for supporting our campaign.  We hope that you will use Fourth Option for most of the finger foods you will now be able to consume without your fingers that wasn't possible in the past. 


Morris Wray

Founder and creator of Fourth Option

Update! FO unlocking and locking update
about 2 years ago – Thu, Feb 09, 2023 at 04:54:08 PM

Hello Backers,

Please note that we are going through all the orders and sending out as much as we can daily but we're a very small team so we ask that you please be patient with us. We are checking every utensil for defects and we've had to discard a large quantity of utensil because they are not functioning up to the standards we put in place. 

Some of you have already received your FO eating utensils and asked us how to unlock and lock the utensils. We've added a couple of updated videos below to show you two methods that you can use. There are at least three ways to unlock and lock the utensil that I use regularly so if you find a way easier for you, that's awesome! Apple lovers, please don't get mad because apple was mentioned in the first video. I'm an Android user and the voice speaking is an apple user. LOL :)

We want to thank all of our the backers who requested the limited quantity finishes that are willing to wait for our next shipment in March. We placed our intitial order with our manufacturer well before the campaign launched so I ordered more of the standard colors I thought people would want like matte-polish, black and glossy finishes. I wasn't expecting so many of our backers to want the exotic colors so I was completely wrong. We've ordered at least 1000pcs of every finish so we'll have plenty to fill all the orders regardless of how many you requested of a certain finish. If you placed an order requesting the limited colors and are willing to wait for the finishes you'd prefer, please reach out to us at with your name so we can add you to the waiting list for our next shipment.

Lastly, I want to remind you all to please WASH THE UTENSILS BEFORE USING! I forgot to add that piece of important information on the Thank You/Care cards that should've been included with every shipment.

Again, thank each and every one of you for supporting our campaign.

Fourth Option instructional video
about 2 years ago – Thu, Feb 02, 2023 at 08:01:41 PM

Hello Backers,

Some of our shipments have already arrive to our early supporters and there are questions on how to unlock and lock. We apologize for not having any instructions on how to properly operate the utensils. I've used a variety of one-handed and two-handed opening methods since the beginning. Please see the quick video on how to open and close properly. 

If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.


Fourth Option Team